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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Potty Dance

Potty training is the bane of toddler parenting. Much like the end of pregnancy has to be really unpleasant to make labor even vaguely worth considering, two year-old diapers become gross and tedious enough to make the often frustrating and seemingly endless experience of potty training worthwhile. It is the very definition of not fun. Even if you are lucky enough to get a kid who will co-operate fairly well, everybody else is tripping over each other to criticize, critique, expound and advise. Not to judge, naturally. Always with best intentions, of course. But, still…Yeah, right! Potty training is one of those times when other people make it clear on a regular basis that they feel you are doing a poor job in comparison to the paragon of effectiveness they were and their method is. No matter when you start training, their well-adjusted child was ready earlier. Any problems you encounter are a mystery and completely foreign to them. Regression and set-backs were never an issue for their self-assured and confident pee-pee prodigy. And accidents were unheard of. In short, if you and yours don’t sail smoothly through the toilet training process, it is because of some personal deficit or character flaw and never because learning to use the potty is just a complicated and emotionally taxing suck-a-thon. Maybe Kelli Kaufmann could playfully write the whimsical sound-story Potty Time With Elmo because she’s never had kids. Or maybe she just went a little batty during toilet training. It could happen.

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