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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Security Guard

The Peanuts character I have always identified with most is Linus, with his fervent security-blanket commitment. As a baby, I was given a lovely blue blanket made of silky material. Not realizing how rabid I would become about my “personal blanket,” my mother let me sleep with it once. And then everything changed. I could not be separated from the blanket, even to wash it, and would stand banging on the machines crying until it was back in my arms. I slept with it every night of my life until I was a senior in high school (seriously) and it accidentally got taken with the motel laundry on a school trip. I got it back, after some hysterics and a sweet boyfriend who was willing to search the laundry room, but decided not to risk losing it again and put it away for safekeeping. It is now a sad, grey rag, recognizable only to me. And I still love it. When my son was little, he became so attached to his blanket/stuffed animal combination “doggie night-night,” that I had to go to the gym in the middle of the night and beg them to open the childcare to get it back and stop the sobbing. Patty, a sweet friend of mine, gave Scarlett Sandra Boynton’s Dinosaur’s Binkit, a favorite book of her children and grandchildren, about a little guy making a big roar to get his beloved blanket back. And made Scarlett a cozy red blanket to go with it.


  1. I'm weird, which high school boyfriend? Matt?

  2. No, Don Michel took the brunt of my craziness, poor guy.
