Scarlett has hit that stage in letter-recognition where a few letters are especially important to her. She is beginning to pick the first initials of her family and friends out of the alphabet crowd. She knows “N” is her Daddy’s letter, that “K” is for Sissy, and her friend Joshua’s name begins with “J,” but her hands-down favorite, and most quickly recognized, is the most important letter of the whole twenty-six to her: “S” for Scarlett. She’s in that two year-old “I’m the greatest kid in the world!” phase where everything about her is amazing. I once heard a child development scholar describe it this way: Being conceited is “I’m better than other people,” being egocentric is “There are other people?” and preschoolers are definitely egocentric. Scarlett has started referring to herself in the third person when she wants to toot her own horn. So, each trip to the loo is celebrated with, “Yay for Scarlett going potty!” and every meal is “H
igh five for Scarlett eating healthy food!” And she has a lot of big people around who go along with the hoopla. She gets asked about ten times a day, “Where’s the “S” for Scarlett?” So, it’s possible we created the letter monster. In Jane Belk Moncure’s
My “t” Book, little “t” finds all the things in his world that start with his favorite letter--toys, train, tractor, and turtles. And I’m pretty sure he didn’t notice whether any of us were there or not. Kids are like that.
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