A comedian was talking about her early years trying to make it in the business world. One boss decided to become her mentor and started by getting her subscriptions to several women’s magazines for fashion and style advice. She took her reading list very seriously at first, she said, until she realized that any person only needs one subscription to magazines targeted at the double-X population because they all really only have one article they keep reprinting with different font: How to get that perfect body. Which sounds like news you can use, right? Unfortunately, it turns out that, despite whatever number the article lists for steps to the body that every girl is dying for, there are actually only two that matter--eat less and exercise more. And who really needed some commute-from-home part-time fashion writer to provide that breaking n
ews? Then, to make matters worse, they show impossibly thin, airbrushed waifs who weigh less than we did in elementary school and expect that to be our comparison point. And those same magazines ordinarily have recipes for fancy foods to feed your party guests in the same issue. Sumptuous treats lit and photographed to be their most tempting and delicious selves. So, how are we supposed to win that game? Most of the food I find alluring could never be worked off with any amount of exercise--and I won’t give it up. In the ironically-styled Bendon Press “chunky” book
Food, everything looks tasty. And there are no steps in sight.
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