Scarlett loves anything firefighter-related. I mean really loves. She gets rapturous over fire trucks, fire stations, sirens, hoses, jackets, fire hats, and the brave ones themselves. I know you’re thinking that all kids love fire stuff and Scarlett isn’t so unique. And I know that makes sense. But I’ve had other kids, cared for other kids, and taught other kids, and none of them was a firefighter freak like this child. She learned how to say “pire-pire” (her version of “firefighter” ) before she even learned our names. I think it is entirely possible she will either become a firefighter or fall for one. Which scares me to death, but also makes me proud, because firefighters are the one uniform-wearing group trained only to save people, not to hurt them. Their weapons are tools of rescue and are use
d only to battle the forces of nature, not to intentionally take human life. It’s been said, and I know it sounds cliché but I have to agree, that there’s something to be said for the folks who run into burning buildings when everyone else is running out. There’s something particularly heroic about that. Not that all that heroism is easy on loved ones. Workplace accidents take on a whole new meaning when someone you love works in a dangerous place. But Scarlett doesn’t know about that yet. She just thinks the brave ones are cool. In Linda Lee Maifair’s
I Want To Be A Firefighter, little Grover dreams big. And heroic.
http://www.amazon.com/Want-Firefighter-Sesame-Street-Be/dp/0307126269http://www.amazon.ca/s?ie=UTF8&rh=i%3Astripbooks%2Cp_27%3ALinda Lee Maifair&field-author=Linda Lee Maifair&page=
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