You know the feeling when something strikes your funny bone with particular force and, even if it is completely inappropriate, you get a nuclear-grade case of the giggles and just can’t stop yourself? I think everyone has it happen at least once, and those make for some really interesting stories. You see it on send-in-your-tapes shows where a bride or groom has a nervous-system implosion and can’t keep a straight face saying their vows to save their life. You see it in special features sections of DVDs where actors cannot earn their seven figure paycheck because they, or someone they are working with, has a giggle fit take after take. One I can remember clearly from my own past was during, naturally, church. I was sitting on the very back pew (which is really the only one left to the habitually late) with three friends and I have no idea what tiny disturbance started the ripple that turned into the sil

liness tsunami, but it was epic. It began, like these things always do, with a bit of contagious goofiness and ended with all four of us bawling behind hymn books trying to stay off the reverence-disturbing radar. Unsuccessfully. But those times always make me feel so much better. If, as they say, laughter extends your life, giggle fits so extreme they cause tears surely add a year or two. In Raffi’s kid-song-turned-book
Shake My Sillies Out, we learn how to navigate wiggles, jiggles, and sillies. I have to wonder why.
You should have told the story of Scarlett swearing over the Christmas tree ornaments! Totally classic. It's like that part in E.T. where the kid yells at his older brother "PENIS-BREATH!" and the mom says "Ehehehehehehlliot!" because she can't even say his name without laughing. Because let's face it, it's a pretty hilarious insult for a child to come up with on his own.