One of my favorite childhood memories is library day at Atherwood Elementary. Not only did library day have the advantage of breaking up the typical routine of the school day to make it seem special, it also ended with the best prize ever: a new-to-me book to tote home and lose myself in. Our school library was tiny--no more than a big closet, really--and the close quarters did not allow for very many bodies or extended perusing. Wandering in the stacks for hours or pulling multiple books from the shelves just to scan through the pages was for trips to the public library. The school library was all about business. Two rows of
chairs facing each other lined the narrow hallway outside the library door and only a few students were allowed in at a time. While the rest of us waited. Most of the time I thought I would go mad with anticipation. I truly resented every second the other kids (most of whom were at the front of the line because they behaved boorishly in the first place) took to find their books. I knew none of them cared about reading as much as I did and I felt that should matter. The only downside to library day was that it didn’t come often enough. A week is too long between books. In Anna McQueen’s
Lola at the Library, Lola feels my pain. She hates to wait for her book fix, too. A girl’s gotta have her books.
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