Twenty years ago, my mom sold her two-story house and moved with my teenaged brother into a brand-new, much smaller apartment. It was an opportunity, the first one, for her to purposefully choose the color schemes and decoration of the new place. My mother has an artist’s soul, so the look had a lot of class--pastels and natural materials. One of the pieces she purchased would become very familiar to me over the years. A hinged, wicker chest, tinted softly in spring hues, ended up mine when she left the apartment and returned to more spacious accommodations. It has been with me ever since, getting an updated coat of color with each move. It currently serves as toy chest in the living room, so it is a shiny black, but nev
er seemed particularly special. Until Scarlett heard about treasure chests. The other day she was feeling especially pretend-y and whimsical, so everything took on a bit of magic--most notably the ordinary wicker chest that had now become a “treasure.” There were no limits to what might be in the treasure, and she was so convincing that I had to peek a couple of times just to make sure it was still the same old chest I’d always known. Which it was…to me. For Scarlett, anything was possible. In “Dora’s Treasure Hunt” from Dora’s
Storytime Collection, the explorer gang looks for a key to open the treasure chest. In our living room, all you have to do is lift the lid.
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