Someone at work told me that a math teacher just won the Texas lotto. Again. For the fourth time. To the tune of $21 million. Do you know the odds of that? I do. I looked it up. The odds of hitting the jackpot four times are 1 in 18 septillion. That’s the number 18 and then twenty-four zeros. I guess I should have paid more attention in algebra. It seems that daydreaming about what we would do with the proverbial million dollars is a frequent occurrence for most of us. Especially in hard economic times when so many are truly struggling. Scarlett’s Auntie Michelle broke her leg a year ago and her favorite way to escape the mind-numbing boredom and bone-aching pain of an extended recovery was to fantasize about what she would do if she suddenly got a windfall of lottery riches. I can’t think of a nicer person to win (especially since there are goodies for me on her list!), but I also can’t think of someone I’d less like to see experience the dark side of that supposed good fortune. Whenever I hear follow-up stori

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