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Friday, April 9, 2010

Get Up And Go!

In the spring of 2002, I had a choice: move out of the apartment I couldn’t afford due to divorce into a smaller apartment or live nowhere for the summer and travel with my kids. So, I put everything in storage, tuned up and packed my little red car, Fury, bought Walmart, gas, and telephone cards for emergencies, MapQuested every destination I could imagine, wedged a portable TV/VCR combo in between the front seats facing the back and hit the open road with a four year-old and a second-grader. For the next two months, we didn’t live anywhere except campgrounds and the occasional motel room. I had purchased a little propane campstove and a pop-up tent that I could put up by myself in five minutes flat. We went to Black Butte Lake, Santa Barbara carousel and zoo, Circus Circus in Las Vegas, Hoover Dam, the Grand Canyon, Yosemite and other places, stopping every two hours to stretch our legs. We traveled over two thousand miles eating, sleeping, browsing, playing and sightseeing whenever we wanted. We swam in the ocean, two lakes, and a bunch of swimming pools. We saw lots of new things and met some really wacky characters. It was an amazing summer and I’ll remember it forever. The dog from Debra and Sal Barracca’s Maxi the Star and his cab-driving owner drive from New York to California, seeing some incredible things, but coming home is the best part of their trip. I know just how they feel.

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