However you feel about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act signed into law today, it’s a historic day. Dangerous social engineering? Desperately needed legislation? It depends what side you’re on. In the midst of all the opinions whirling around, I coincidentally encountered a quote I’ve heard many times but never with the impact it had today. Noted anthropologist (and social agitator) Margaret Mead is credited with saying, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that e
ver has.” And I believe it with all my heart. But then, so do people with worldviews polar to mine. So, if everyone thinks they are the righteous little David, who is the evil giant Goliath? Pondering all this made the choice of Patricia A. Pingry’s
The Story of Joshua even more thought-provoking. Granted, it is a child’s board book with a few simple pages and a condensed storyline, but the one-sided account made me a bit uncomfortable. The basic story: Joshua and his people are given land, including Jericho, by God. The brave little band calls upon all their resources to bring down the walls of Jericho and claim their rightful property. But the problem for me is that there is no mention of why Joshua’s people deserve ownership of the land over the current residents. And this got me thinking even more. I decided that, if you and yours are going to change the world, you better be right.
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