An advantage to having significantly older siblings is getting taught a host of things you would never learn otherwise. Being the oldest child, I never fully realized this until I watched my own children pass on useful knowledge to the next in line--including the idea that canned whip cream sprayed directly into your mouth tastes better. Nick says we are turning Scarlett into a baby diabetic but really it just seems like we are teaching her to be precocious about the finer things in life, like realizing cookies are best in dough form, you should lick the beater when someone makes brownies, and, most of all, whip cream does taste better from the can. I knew Scarlett would love to see one of her favorite characters getting sweet treats in Curious George Goes To An Ice Cream Shop by Margret and H.A. Rey because it shows George with an enormous sundae he makes himself when the Man With the Big Yellow Hat leaves an inquisitive monkey to his own devices with barrels of ice cream and shelves of sundae fixin’s. Frankly, I think George is less “curious” and more “badly behaved," but he can sling a mean scoop. The whole time we were reading, Scarlett kept saying, “yummy,” which is exactly what I was thinking. Never mind the flagrant health code violation of having a naughty monkey serve your ice cream, that stuff looked like a twenty-scoop, whip cream-covered, bananas peeking out, cherry on top party waiting to happen.
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