I am the only girl. I spent my childhood surrounded by, fighting with, fiercely loving, and learning about boys. I get spiders and appreciate dirt. I understand wrestling rather than talking and know how to catch a snake. To me, at some basic level, most boys make
sense--the noise and rowdiness are part of the package. So, how did I end up the mother of three girls? They are fore

ign beings sometimes. Of course, I
was a girl, which would seem to make me qualified to understand girls, but I realized after I got one that I hadn’t ever really spent time around any. My girls often mystify me and when I think I’ve got it, another one comes along! Of all the things I don’t know
about them, I passionately understand what I want
for them: to be happy, healthy women making authentic choices they believe are right. I think

l Gaiman gets me because his wonderful prayer-in-book-form
Blueberry Girl is dedicated to “Tash, when she was only a bump and a due date.” In it he asks for protection and wisdom, courage and joy for girls
everywhere. Nick bought the book for Scarlett as a gift and today we read it. It is just what I would say to my daughters if I were a poet. “Words can be worrisome, people complex, motives and manners unclear. Grant her the wisdom to choose her path right, free from unkindness and fear…” Oh, Neil Gaiman, you had me at “words.”